生存科学懇話会 講演

株式会社日立製作所 名誉フェロー
公益社団法人日本工学アカデミー 上級副会長
Seizon & Life Sciences
- From Dr.Takemi's Teachings and the Record of His Lectures -

Hideaki Koizumi
Honorary Fellow, Hitachi, Ltd.
Executive Vice President, Engineering Academy of Japan
Graduated from the University of Tokyo, Department of Pure and Applied Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences.
Joined the Instruments Division of Hitachi, Ltd., and discovered the principle of the polarized Zeeman effect atomic absorption (PZAA) method (doctoral dissertation, patent).
Commercialized the PZAA spectrometer in 1976 and shipped more than 10,000 products in Japan and overseas. Have sold the product for more than 40 years mainly in the environmental measurement field. The PZAA spectrometer was certified as an Analytical and Scientific Instrument Heritage in 2013.
Developed and commercialized magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) and optical topography (OT or NIRS: near infrared spectroscopic imaging) methods. Developed, commercialized, applied and achieved the first domestic production of Superconducting MRI equipment and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), thereby contributing to developments in the medical, welfare and neuroscientific fields.
Have served as General Manager of the Advanced Research Laboratory, Senior Chief Scientist and Fellow at Hitachi, Ltd., developing international activities for the bridging and fusion of many different fields mainly including the environmental, medical and life science fields. (Invited and delivered a Memorial Lecture at the 400th Anniversary of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences and gave lectures at an OECD Forum, a World Innovation Summit for Education (WISE) and the International Council of Academies of Engineering and Technological Sciences (CAETS).) Have been invited to various venues in Japan and overseas in recent years to lecture on “Engineering Ethics.” Have served in Japan as President of the Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry (JSAC), executive director and member of many councils and experts’ meetings, and member of The Science Council of Japan (Cabinet Office). Currently serving as Executive Vice President of the Engineering Academy of Japan; an advisor at various research institutes in Europe, the United States, China and Australia; foreign member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering; and an Honorable Professor at The South East University, China. Received many awards in Japan and overseas, including the Okochi Memorial Prize (awarded three times). Wrote part of many publications published by the Oxford University Press, the Cambridge University Press and Springer. Author or editor of many domestic publications.
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青木 清(Kiyoshi Aoki)
1969年 北海道大学大学院理学研究科博士後期課程修了理学博士
1975年 上智大学理工学部助教授
1978年 上智大学理工学部教授
1980年 上智大学生命科学研究所所長
2003年 上智大学名誉教授
『生物行動の謎 帰巣, 回遊, 渡りのメカニズム』講談社ブルーバックス 1979
『脳と行動 ニューロエソロジー』朝倉書店 シリーズ脳の科学 1986
『ライフサイエンスのはなし』日刊工業新聞社 1987
『行動の生物学』裳華房 生命科学シリーズ 1988
『動物の心をさぐる ニューロエソロジーの世界』岩波書店 1988
『動物行動の謎 脳のしくみを発見する』日本放送出版協会 NHKブックス 1990
『生命倫理学』人間総合科学大学 心身健康科学シリーズ 2008

丸井 英二(Marui Eiji)
人間総合科学大学 教授
1977 東京大学医学系研究科博士課程修了
1986 米国ハーバード大学公衆衛生大学院研究員
1991 東京大学留学生センター教授。
1996 国立国際医療センター研究所・地域保健医療研究部 部長。
2000 順天堂大学医学部公衆衛生学教室・教授。
2012 人間総合科学大学教授

株式会社日立製作所 名誉フェロー
公益社団法人日本工学アカデミー 上級副会長
『生物行動の謎 帰巣, 回遊, 渡りのメカニズム』講談社ブルーバックス 1979
『脳と行動 ニューロエソロジー』朝倉書店 シリーズ脳の科学 1986
『ライフサイエンスのはなし』日刊工業新聞社 1987
『行動の生物学』裳華房 生命科学シリーズ 1988
『動物の心をさぐる ニューロエソロジーの世界』岩波書店 1988
『動物行動の謎 脳のしくみを発見する』日本放送出版協会 NHKブックス 1990
『生命倫理学』人間総合科学大学 心身健康科学シリーズ 2008

Hideaki Koizumi
Honorary Fellow, Hitachi, Ltd.
Executive Vice President, Engineering Academy of Japan
Graduated from the University of Tokyo, Department of Pure and Applied Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences.
Joined the Instruments Division of Hitachi, Ltd., and discovered the principle of the polarized Zeeman effect atomic absorption (PZAA) method (doctoral dissertation, patent).
Commercialized the PZAA spectrometer in 1976 and shipped more than 10,000 products in Japan and overseas. Have sold the product for more than 40 years mainly in the environmental measurement field. The PZAA spectrometer was certified as an Analytical and Scientific Instrument Heritage in 2013.
Developed and commercialized magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) and optical topography (OT or NIRS: near infrared spectroscopic imaging) methods. Developed, commercialized, applied and achieved the first domestic production of Superconducting MRI equipment and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), thereby contributing to developments in the medical, welfare and neuroscientific fields.
Have served as General Manager of the Advanced Research Laboratory, Senior Chief Scientist and Fellow at Hitachi, Ltd., developing international activities for the bridging and fusion of many different fields mainly including the environmental, medical and life science fields. (Invited and delivered a Memorial Lecture at the 400th Anniversary of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences and gave lectures at an OECD Forum, a World Innovation Summit for Education (WISE) and the International Council of Academies of Engineering and Technological Sciences (CAETS).) Have been invited to various venues in Japan and overseas in recent years to lecture on “Engineering Ethics.” Have served in Japan as President of the Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry (JSAC), executive director and member of many councils and experts’ meetings, and member of The Science Council of Japan (Cabinet Office). Currently serving as Executive Vice President of the Engineering Academy of Japan; an advisor at various research institutes in Europe, the United States, China and Australia; foreign member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering; and an Honorable Professor at The South East University, China. Received many awards in Japan and overseas, including the Okochi Memorial Prize (awarded three times). Wrote part of many publications published by the Oxford University Press, the Cambridge University Press and Springer. Author or editor of many domestic publications.
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